L10N-TRAINER: a Tool to Assist in the Training of Localization (l10n) and Internationalization (i18n) Testers

Informatics Center - UFPE


L10N-TRAINER is a tool developed to assist the training of novice localization and Internationalization testers. The tool seeds i18n/l10n faults into a selected set of Android applications, which can then be compiled and installed on the trainees’ devices. The fault seeding process can be either manual — trainers have the flexibility to choose which faults to seed and their respective locations — or fully automated — trainers can control the quantity and types of faults while leaving the decision of where to seed the faults to our tool.


React Native seeded apps

To use the L10N-TRAINER on your environment, firstly, you will need to install yarn on your computer. The Expo Go app needs to be instaled to run the application on a (Android, IOS or web) device. After install both, configure the following parameters in .env file:

Choose the XML file to be seeded with L10N-TRAINER


Choose number of random faults to be seeded


Choose target language for strings translation


Choose the strings that will be changed manually

      variable_value_map={"inboxMessagesRouteobject":"Comece no App e ganhe um c...","inboxNotificationsRoute":"nenhuma notificacao ainda","Price": "£", "chatTranslation2": "Nicht übersetzte Konversation anzeigen", "wardrobeSpotlightSeeMore": "See mais", "sellUploadText": "Clique aqui para adicionar as fotografias","signupTerms1": "conditions d\'utilisation","loginPassword": "palavra-passe", "ProfileTermsText3": "Termes et conditions", "ProfileFlyerAbout": "Sobre a App", "ProfileFlyerCookies": "Configurações de Biscoitos", "chatScrollMessage2": "E se você precisar de ajuda, basta acessar nossa Central de Ajuda . Você também pode entrar em contato conosco a partir daí e prometemos entrar em contato com você dentro de 24 hors:", "tutorialDescriptionThirdRoute2": "45 milhões de pessoas usam o App globalmente e nossa equipe de suporte esta sempre pronta para ajudar\\\n."}'

After configure the above parameters, run the following commands on terminal

      yarn errolog //errorlog file configures the XML files with the chosen parameters
      yarn start //Starts a connection with Expo Go, generates a QR code that launches the app in the device under test

Android seeded apps

To seed Android (java and kotlin) apps with L10N-TRAINER, you need to have Android Studio on your computer. Then, configure the above parameters and run the script for modify the chosen XML file. Then build an apk with Android Studio and install it on an Android device.

This video is also available with subtitles on YouTube.